Look Up Days

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday August 13, 2011

Dinner for Shmucks- Watching this movie a second time, I enjoyed this film even more than I did the first. The first time I saw this in theaters for free movie tuesday, I thought, this is a funny movie, but a very very stupid one. This time, I'm realizing just how great Carell and Rudd perform together and just how well the numerous cameos work in addition to the film. Like 'Meet the Parents' (the other film from feature director Jay Roach), it's an everyman that is faced by forced circumstances and must fight them in order to be with the girl he loves. This is a really fun film and holds well on the second viewing. Though I won't lie, it gets away with quite a bit of sex talk and clitoris mentioning for a PG-13 film.

- Jeff Bassin

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